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Cayman Islands - One minute of pure bliss while diving the USS Kittiwake!

By : Frans De Backer | Duration : 0min 51sec | Channel : Wrecks Dive
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Scuttled on the 5th of January 2011 to form an artificial reef, the USS Kittiwake - a former submarine rescue ship from the US Navy - lies at a depth of 19 metres, off famous Seven Mile Beach on Grand Cayman.

The wreck is 80 metres long and rests upright on a sandy floor dotted with lovely coral pinnacles. The top of the wreck lies at a depth of 5 metres, which makes it suitable for novice divers and snorkelers.

This is another great footage made by Belgian filmmaker Frans de Backer - that day he was luck to dive with such an awesome visibility.

© Frans De Backer