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Galapagos: get up close and personal with hammerheads!

By : Frans De Backer | Duration : 4min 7sec | Channel : Diving Trips
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The Galapagos archipelago is part of Ecuador. Together with Cocos Island (which belongs to Costa Rica) and Malpelo Island (which is part of Colombia), it makes up the 'Golden Triangle' of diving.

It's in the Galapagos that Charles Darwin formalized the theory of evolution. Today, the Galapagos, which are a Unesco heritage site, still offer an exceptional diversity of fauna, both on land and underwater.

This video was filmed by Belgian filmmaker Frans De Backer, one of our latest recruits within the Plongeurs TV team. He dived off Darwin and Wolf islands in the north of the archipelago, where several species of hammerheads can be seen, including the massive Sphyrna mokarran.

Most tour operators can organize dive expeditions ot the Galapagos. It's very pricey and is suitable for experienced divers only, but it's well worth the splurge - yes, it's the travel of a lifetime!

© Frans De Backer / Music by Hans Zimmer