YouDive TV

The first online TV channel in HD about scuba diving and underwater videos

Incredible footage! Dive with thousands of - harmless - jellyfish!

By : Sarosh G. Jacob | Duration : 3min 51sec | Channel : Special Features
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These superb underwater images from famous New York-based photographer and filmmaker Sarosh G. Jacob were captured while snorkeling in Palau (Micronesia).

Jellyfish Lake is a turbid lake where fauna developed via a tunnel that used to open onto the ocean. Having no predators, the jellyfish that populate the lake have lost their venomous power.

The soundtrack features Radiohead, one of our beloved rock bands. It's 'Nude', from their album 'In Rainbows'. The poignant voice of singer Tom Yorke perfectly matches the images.

© Sarosh Georges Jacob / Music by Radiohead