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Mexico - Experience diving in the cenotes of the Yucatan.

By : Mark Ormesher | Duration : 3min 2sec | Channel : Diving Trips
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This video is an enchantment, if only for its soundtrack – classical music, by Johann Sebastian Bach. But back to diving...

The cenotes are underwater sinkholes that can be found in Central America. The Mayas used to enter into relationship with the gods by threwing offerings in the cenotes, which were also used as freshwater reserves.

Nowadays their crystal-clear waters and amazing layout make for perfect dive sites that are accessible to all levels of proficiency - novices don't go into the cavern, but can stay at the entrance.

This footage was shot in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. It features some of the most spectacular cenotes in the area: Chac Mool, Kukulkan, Little Brother, Tajma Ha, Ponderosa and Dos Ojos.

© Mark Ormesher